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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #middle

Sex keeps me in shape. I don't diet, I eat what I like. I love Mars bars and I smoke and drink. But I love running off in the middle of the day to make love. It really burns up calories.

Lisa Snowdon

#burns #calories #day #diet #drink

Israelis are a mix of North African, Levantine, and Eastern European, which inflames the politics but does amazing things for the women.

Kenneth Cain

#israelis #middle-east #politics #women #beauty

Although we live in a civilised society, the business world remains a jungle.

Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum


Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralysed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.


#change #growth #presence #the-middle-way #beauty

Take courage. You do not yet see your own abilities because you have never been tested. You have never demonstrated to yourself or anyone all that you can do. Put your fears aside and trust that you can succeed in the challenges that lie ahead." - King Hercalon IV, Former King of Oomaldee

L.R.W. Lee

#dragon #fantasy #middle-grade #courage

Yemen produces coffee, Egypt cotton, Iraq dates, Palestine oranges, and Syria trouble.

John Gunther

#middle-east #syria #dating

Četrdeset mi je godina, ružno doba: čovjek je još mlad da bi imao želja a već star da ih ostvaruje. Tada se u svakome gase nemiri, da bi postao jak navikom i stečenom sigurnošću u nemoći što dolazi. A ja tek činim što je trebalo učiniti davno, u bujnom cvjetanju tijela, kad su svi bezbrojni putevi dobri, a sve zablude korisne koliko i istine. Šteta što nemam deset godina više pa bi me starost čuvala od pobuna, ili deset godina manje pa bi mi bilo svejedno. Jer trideset godina je mladost, to sad mislim, kad sam se nepovratno udaljio od nje, mladost koja se ničega ne boji, pa ni sebe.

Meša Selimović

#middle-age-crisis #age

What is the death of a soldier even off duty of an occupying army walking in an occupied territory against the death of a little boy screaming in terror in his father's arms Where is the equivalence

Linda Grant

#politics #death

...British appeasement of the Palestinian Arabs led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews [in the Holocaust] who might otherwise have found refuge in Palestine.

Sol Stern

#israel #jewish #middle-east #political #death

When the commonplace "We must all die" tranfors itself suddenly into the acute consciousness "I must die - and soon," then death grapples us, and his fingers are cruel; afterwards, he may come to fold us in his arms as our mother did, and our last moment of dim earthly discerning may be like the first.

George Eliot


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