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#middle age

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #middle age

Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.

Francis Bacon

#age #companions #men #middle #middle age

The chief role of the universities is to prolong adolescence into middle age, at which point early retirement ensures that we lack the means or the will to enforce significant change.

J. G. Ballard

#age #change #chief #early #enforce

Self-acceptance has been a blessed by-product of middle age.

Candice Bergen

#been #blessed #by-product #middle #middle age

Some have called we rock and roll performers who never retire 'troubadours.' I enjoy this misnomer immensely. While there are many differences between me and my distant predecessors in L'Occitane, I do believe there is a lineage that connects us of the last 70 years with those romantic singers of the High Middle Ages.

Frank Black

#believe #between #called #connects #differences

Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature.

Harold Coffin

#awkward #catching #father #father time #middle

I developed a passion for the Middle Ages the same way some people develop a passion for coconuts.

Umberto Eco

#develop #developed #i #middle #middle ages

Middle age went by while I was mourning for my lost youth.

Mason Cooley

#i #lost #middle #middle age #mourning

We are certainly influenced by role models, and if we are surrounded by images of beautiful rich people, we will start to think that to be beautiful and rich is very important - just as in the Middle Ages, people were surrounded by images of religious piety.

Alain de Botton

#beautiful #certainly #images #important #influenced

The year 2008 was a reminder to those who had forgotten that there is such a thing as history and that the cycle of famine and feast in commerce, first identified in antiquity and well understood in the Middle Ages, was not suddenly abolished in modern times.

James Buchan

#antiquity #commerce #cycle #famine #feast

Litigation takes the place of sex at middle age.

Gore Vidal

#litigation #middle #middle age #place #sex

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