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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #supposedly

They have this big book called the "DSM-IV," you know, that is supposedly written about crazy people, but I think it is a book that is written by crazy people!

William Glasser

#big #book #called #crazy #crazy people

For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work.

Doug Larson

#acts #after #beat #disappearing #eight

I have worked out with the Thunder, Lakers, Knicks, Grizzlies, Spurs, and a few others before the draft. I have worked out primarily against shorter and supposedly faster players in these workouts.

Jeremy Lin

#before #draft #faster #few #i

As to whether the people who were supposedly to put up the money and did put it up or whether it was Arthur's own money is something which I shall never know.

Peter Porter

#did #i #know #money #never

It is quite interesting that whilst there are tremendous theories, in the 1960s when IT was born, everybody was supposedly going to their cottage in the countryside to work in a virtual way.

Richard Rogers

#cottage #countryside #everybody #going #interesting

I just got on Twitter because there was some MTV film blog that quoted me on something really innocuous that I supposedly said on Twitter before I was even on Twitter. So then I had to get on Twitter to say: 'This is me. I'm on Twitter. If there's somebody else saying that they're me on Twitter, they're not.'

Anna Kendrick

#before #blog #else #even #film

You know, when you don't go on TV and talk about how many women you sleep with, some people in Hollywood, that are supposedly 'in the know,' start whispering that you're gay. If I were gay, I wouldn't be ashamed to admit it, but I'm not.

Adam Sandler

#admit #ashamed #gay #go #hollywood

In the Belgian air force a general supposedly saw a UFO, tracked it with his plane, photographed it with his wing cameras. And I believe it because I said to myself why would this person, not getting paid for this, do it unless it actually happened or he thought it happened.

Robert Stack

#air #air force #because #belgian #believe

Nothing spooky or terrible happened on set, but we were told to say it had. We were giving a press conference and the writers were going on about these terrible things that supposedly happened while we were filming.

Margot Kidder

#conference #filming #giving #going #had

When there wasn't any money involved, for all intents and purposes, nobody gave a damn. But now the land, supposedly worthless, is seen for what it really is: an incredibly valuable asset.

Neil Abercrombie

#asset #damn #gave #incredibly #intents

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