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Lesbians Confessions

Read the best #lesbians confession stories

I recently wrote on here about my wife giving me a wedgie and me wanting more but not knowing how to ask for them. Yesterday I finally just asked and I wish I would’ve sooner! She gave me so many wedgies, I loved it and she was having so much fun! We’re both kinda new to this so any wedgie dares are welcome! Or special types of wedgies :) leave a comment

#fetish   #wedgie   #lesbians   #wife   #dares   #confession   #sexy  

I dream of being confined in a heavy plastic transparent bag, by a bunch of man-hating lesbians, or battered wives, etc., I would have a breathing tube to the outside, but other than that I would be sealed in, with a full load of feces and urine, absolutely filling the bag. I would have swim-goggles and be able to clear away enough of the slurry to see them looking at me, with obvious pleasure and a complete lack of mercy! This would go on for days on end., and be repeated frequently, with no end in sight!

#gross   #disgusting   #lesbians  

As a young high school student I was sure I was going to marry Jesus and be a nun. My parents were totally against it, and couldn't wait fir me to discover boys. I discovered girls instead, in the hands of my art teacher Sister Anne. She promised me a life of bliss if only I joined the Order and we would be together. My parents yanked me out of the school and sent me for the summer to Ontario with my maternal parents.

I liked my grandparents so it wasn't a punishment. I met Lorraine a girl my age and she was more than excited to learn what Sister Anne taught me. She was French Canadian, petite, beautiful and she wanted nothing more than a woman's touch. We swore no man's hands would ever touch our intimate parts, no man would ever perform their hideous act on us. We swore eternal love. Sister Anne had to find a new girl, I was as good as married to Lorraine. Until the summer ended.

I was put in a regular high school where my parents encouraged me to find a good boy, and put me on BC just in case the good boy did the hideous deed. But my promise to Lorraine gave me strength and no boy dared touch me. Until Lorraine came up pregnant, she didn't know how it happened. Bobby Searle did me, no holding back, deposited every last drop in me. I had tossed out the BC pills and was ready to punish Lorraine. Being healthy and fertile, Jesus blessed my union of that night and Bobby Searle became a teen age pappa. Of course that made me a teen age mamma.

Lorraine came out to Ontario the next summer with her little one and I went to my grandparents. To show off my little one. Lorraine got serious and asked me to marry her, even though we were both 17. We had to wait till the following summer after graduation to promise in God's full presence, no man would ever again touch us. And here we are, these years later, living in Ottawa, raising our preteen girls, and can promise no man has come close to touching me. Or Lorraine for that matter.

#love   #lesbians  

Is it a sin? I keep asking myself. I can't control it. I have urges. I met her, I'm a her too, at a party and I went home with her and ended up as I always do, with my face between her legs. The urge for it is too strong, I can't control it. Of course there is always a lot more, lots of kissing and touching, licking around, nipples, breasts, and a whole lot of kissing. I am very oral. I like pretty girls, the prettier the better. I like girls who are small, I don't like big breasts, I like flat tummies and a cute ass. I like to eat first. I don't do sixtynine, it's hard to hold the position. I'm an on your back girl when it comes to having her eat me. I want to hear her tell me she loves me, even if we just met. I like holding hands and going to outdoor cafes. I like dresses and long hair. I like earrings. I like blue eyes. I like it when she tells me she is wet. I'm a model myself, I work cosmetic commercials. I don't do porn and I don't care for porn. I like to dance, free flowing dresses, long hair, dancing to the music, sneaking a kiss. I'm romantic, I am not butch, I don't like butch. I fall hard for a pretty girl, like the girl I am seeing now. She is pretty, long body, small boobs, very cute ass, very nice cute well behaved lips, I don't like open lips, or a woman who's lips aren't cute and even. Looks are important to me. I want a girl who looks like me, just maybe a year or two younger. Like the girl I'm dating now.

Next weekend we are going on an escape weekend with some hotel points my mother has. We are going to spend the weekend just being together, walking and talking and of course sleeping and loving. I'm going to tell her I love her and she knows it. I am going to ask her if she wants to get married and she knows it. I'm going to ask her if she will wear a ring for me, I will wear a ring for her. She is pretty. I like how we look in pictures. Now that things are opened up we can have a wedding outdoors with lots of people. It's an urge. I want to get married to her.

#lesbians   #love  

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