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But dogs, which have no ability to sin nor moral conscience, do not have an ability to reject Jesus.

Rick Warren

#conscience #dogs #jesus #moral #nor

Quote by Rick Warren

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About Rick Warren

Rick Warren Quotes

Did you know about Rick Warren?

He is perhaps best known for the subsequent devotional The Purpose Driven Life which has sold over 30 million copies making Warren a New York Times bestselling author. Warren's softer tone on political issues once central to U. When the current Lake Forest campus was purchased in the early 1990s a 2300-seat plastic tent was used for worship services for several years with four services each weekend.

Warren has called on churches worldwide to also focus their efforts on fighting poverty and disease expanding educational opportunities for the marginalized and caring for the environment. He is the founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church an evangelical megachurch located in Lake Forest California currently the eighth-largest church in the United States (this ranking includes multi-site churches). Obama later sparked controversy when he asked Warren to give the invocation at the presidential inauguration in January 2009.

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