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So now here we were with David's second big bout against whatever it was, and it had pretty well gotten him. He was taking a lot of morphine for the paid and looked terrible, although the spirit was still in his eyes, weak as it was. "Do you have any advice for me on my music going forward?" I asked David. "Just make sure to have as much of you in the recording as you can," he said. "Stay simple. No one gives a shit about anything else." He tole me to keep it simple and focused, have as much of my playing and singing as possible, and not to hide it with other things. Don't embellish it with other people I don't need or hide it in any way. Simple and focused. That is what I took away. He didn't exactly say that, but I got the message. I have failed to do that in some instances. "Be great or be gon," his famous phrase, choes in my head. I have to remember that for sure. Damn. So I left the apartment after a hug. It was devastating. He died a week later. He wanted to go. His body was all fucked up and it was not easy. His tenacious spirit would not let him go.

Neil Young

#final-advice #losing-a-friend #dreams

Quote by Neil Young

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About Neil Young

Neil Young Quotes

Did you know about Neil Young?

Young typically plays this guitar in this stereo mode sending the separate signals to two different amps a Fender Deluxe and either a Fender Tremolux or a low-powered Tweed Fender Twin. On July 14 2006 Young was awarded the Order of Manitoba and on December 30 2009 was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. "Expecting to Fly" was a lushly produced ballad similar to the baroque pop of the mid-1960s featured a string arrangement that Young's co-producer for the track Jack Nitzsche would dub "symphonic pop.

The project involves a 1959 Lincoln Continental converted to hybrid technology which Young plans to drive to Washington D. Young has also adopted elements from newer styles such as alternative rock and grunge. Although he has lived in northern California since the 1970s and sings as frequently about U.

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