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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hunter

The weather became so intensely cold that we sent for all the hunters who had remained out with captain Clarke's party, and they returned in the evening several of them frostbitten.

Meriwether Lewis

#captain #clarke #cold #evening #had

Option 1: Attempt to back out. Probable result: Death after painful torture. Option 2: Do the job and hope. Probable result: Death but probably no torture (good)

Nalini Singh

#angels-blood #blood #elena #guild #guild-hunter

What would they talk about? Hi, my name's Vane and I howl at the moon late at night in the form of a wolf. I sleep with your daughter and don't think I could live without her. Mind if I have a beer? Oh and while we're at it, let me introduce my brothers. This one here is a deadly wolf known to kill for nothing more than looking at him cross-eyed, and the other one is comatose because some vampires sucked the life out of him after we'd both been sentenced to death by our jealous father. Yeah, that would go over like a lead balloon.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

#vane #were-hunter #wolf #death

I didn't get into acting to have a moment, I got into it because of people who've inspired me, like Judi Dench, Holly Hunter, and Jodie Foster.

Amy Adams

#because #dench #foster #get #got

All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken.

Thomas Wolfe

#earth #fences #field #forsaken #hollow

Maxine,” Grant said, but I barely heard him. I was lost in that vision, in those emotions—the pain, and hunger for pain, forming the root of so much agonized rage. “ ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate,’” I muttered. “Yoda, from Star Wars?” “ ‘Hate leads to suffering.’” I met his gaze. “Yoda knows his shit, man.” Grant’s mouth crooked in a gentle smile.

Marjorie M. Liu

#fantasy #humor #hunter-kiss #reaper-kings #anger

I knew what was like to finally be seduced by the thing you hunted. Mine just happened to be a more traditional seduction. Okay, at least I was still among the living.

Laurell K. Hamilton

#blake #hunter #vampire #dreams

They say when you're about to die, you see your entire life flash before your eyes. They lied. The only thing Nick Gautier could see flashing was Kyrian Hunter's vampire fangs.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

#nick-gautier #life

Mundane humans create distinctions between themselves, distinctions that seem ridiculous to any Shadowhunter. Their distinctions are based on race, religion, national identity, any of a dozen minor and irrelevant markers. ~ Valentine

Cassandra Clare

#discrimnation #humans #identity #life #mundane

Loving you was the best mistake I ever made.

Chelsea M. Cameron

#hunter-zaccadelli #love #mistake #my-favorite-mistake #taylor-and-hunter

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