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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #idiot

Go for a business that any idiot can run - because sooner or later, any idiot probably is going to run it.

Peter Lynch

#because #business #go #going #idiot

When you've been on a programme called 'An Idiot Abroad' job offers aren't exactly flying in.

Karl Pilkington

#been #called #exactly #flying #idiot

Un mot exprime à lui seul ce double caractère, solitaire et inconnaissable, de toute chose au monde : le mot idiotie. Idiôtès, idiot, signifie simple, particulier, unique ; puis, par une extension sémantique dont la signification philosophique est de grande portée, personne dénuée d’intelligence, être dépourvu de raison. Toute chose, toute personne sont ainsi idiotes dès lors qu’elles n’existent qu’en elles-mêmes, c’est-à-dire sont incapables d’apparaître autrement que là où elles sont et telles qu’elles sont : incapables donc, et en premier lieu, de se refléter, d’apparaître dans le double du miroir. Or, c'est le sort finalement de toute réalité que de ne pouvoir se dupliquer sans devenir aussitot autre: l'image offerte par le miroir n'est pas superposable à la réalité qu'elle suggère.

Clément Rosset

#idiotie #miroir #intelligence

Because Tom Doherty and people like that are not stupid. If they could have streamlined their operation more to get more money out of it, they would have done it. It's not like they're a bunch of idiots.

Jerry Pournelle

#bunch #could #done #get #idiots

Their films would probably be better if they'd seen a few more films, which runs counter to this idiotic theory that you run the risk of being influenced if you see too much.

Jacques Rivette

#better #counter #few #films #idiotic

The only guaranteed way to be a genius is to surround yourself with idiots.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

#idiots #age

I am the kid who sticks her finger in the light socket. I am the person who doesn't check the expiration date on the milk. I am the idiot who has never looked before she leaped. I am the girl who is falling apart, right now.

Amy Garvey

#expiration #fall #falling #girl #idiot

Geniuses that point the way exist in abundance, but mediocrity's true prophet has yet to emerge. We may not be able to choose a direction to go, but at least we’re still walking around.

Benson Bruno

#genius #humor #idiots #funny

The meanest and most hateful thing about money is that it even gives one talent.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Did you know I have always suspected that men were idiots," Daphne ground out, "but I was never positive until today.

Julia Quinn

#men #men

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