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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #grad

If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!

Shel Silverstein

#crete #dreams #greece #happiness #jack-r-kearns

I mask my hate. I mask my pain. One thing that I can't mask is my dwindling grade point average." -Dreams, Smiles, and Bloody Tears

Chamera Sampson

#mask #teen #dreams

When you graduate from college, they tell you to follow your dreams. Does anyone say you have to wake up first?

Bill Cosby

#humor #dreams

I've managed to bring the backlog down to a mere sixty-eight years," she announced with some small sense of achievement. "I hope to be able to start marking the papers of pupils who are still alive by the end of the decade.

Jasper Fforde

#grades #grading #teachers #teaching #education

A common misconception of education comes when the definition of education narrows to the intellectual. The child is compartmentalized. He is not seen as a whole person, fully-integrated with physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacities. Thus, if an educational program attempts to address the child's intellect while ignoring his spiritual and emotional development, the approach is sadly ignoring the true reality of the child. Likewise, those who separate the spiritual and emotional part of a child from the intellectual make a big mistake. You cannot delegate only the intellectual training of your child to professionals and retain just the spiritual and emotional for yourself. Whatever class is taught, the whole child is affected.

Kevin Swanson

#kevin #swanson #upgrade #education

As you work to become a better student, remember that learning is far more important than the numbers on your transcript. I know it can be hard sometimes to remember what you're in school for. In some places, students go crazy over a tenth of a point - but this is an unhealthy and unsustainable way to manage your education. The real reason you're in school is to grow as a person and fulfill your potential.

Stefanie Weisman

#learning #students #education

الهدف من الدراسةالتعلم, وليس الحصول على ومعدل عالي! فعندما تجعل غايتك الأولى,ستحصل على الثانية.وعندما تجعل غايتك الثانية,ستصعب عليك الأولى.

Kholoud Yasser

#education #goals #grades #objectives #التعليم

A man does not have to feel less than human to realize his sin; oppositely, he has to realize that he gets no special vindication for his sin.

Criss Jami

#confronting-problems #degrading #demeaning #equal #equality

At times there's something so precise and mathematically chilling about nationalism. Build a dam to take away water AWAY from 40 million people. Build a dam to pretend to BRING water to 40 million people. Who are these gods that govern us? Is there no limit to their powers?

Arundhati Roy

#capitalism #corporations #dam #economics #environmental-degradation

She had been living like a hermit herself, in a cramped, seedy apartment in Somerville, spending long hours in the lab. All-nighters had become a regular thing. She didn't have any close friends, didn't go out on dates, didn't even go to the movies by herself. She had sacrificed a normal life in order to get a PhD, and become a scientist.

Michael Crichton

#life #dating

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