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Ivan Illich

Read through the most famous quotes from Ivan Illich

School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.

— Ivan Illich

#homeschool #homeschooling #education

School has become the world religion of a modernized proletariat, and makes futile promises of salvation to the poor of the technological age.

— Ivan Illich

#deschooling-society #education #ivan-illich #pedagogic-philosophy #pedagogy

Any industrial product that comes in per capita quanta beyond a given intensity exercises a radical monopoly over the satisfaction of a need.

— Ivan Illich


Effective health care depends on self-care; this fact is currently heralded as if it were a discovery.

— Ivan Illich

#currently #depends #discovery #effective #fact

We must rediscover the distinction between hope and expectation.

— Ivan Illich

#distinction #expectation #hope #must #rediscover

Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.

— Ivan Illich

#heals #health #human #human health #institution

The public school has become the established church of secular society.

— Ivan Illich

#church #established #public #public school #school

There is no greater distance than that between a man in prayer and God.

— Ivan Illich

#distance #god #greater #man #prayer

At the moment of death I hope to be surprised.

— Ivan Illich

#death #i #moment #surprised

Leadership does not depend on being right.

— Ivan Illich

#depend #does #leadership #right

About Ivan Illich

Ivan Illich Quotes

Did you know about Ivan Illich?

" In 1956 at the age of 30 he was appointed as the vice rector of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico "a position he managed to keep for several years before getting thrown out—Illich was just a little too loud in his criticism of the Vatican’s pronouncements on birth control and comparatively demure silence about the bomb. 1951. 1982.

Ivan Illich (pron. : /ɪˈvɑːn ˈɪlɪtʃ/; 4 September 1926 – 2 December 2002) was an Austrian philosopher Roman Catholic priest and "maverick social critic" of the institutions of contemporary Western culture and their effects on the provenance and practice of education medicine work energy use transportation and economic development.

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