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Theodore Sturgeon

Read through the most famous quotes from Theodore Sturgeon

Nothing is always absolutely so

— Theodore Sturgeon


Ask Baby can you be truly part of someone you love." "He says only if you love yourself.

— Theodore Sturgeon


A science fiction story is a story built around human beings, with a human problem and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its scientific content.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#science-fiction #science

We are now in a position to determine just what sort of science fiction story this really is.

— Theodore Sturgeon


It was spring, the part of spring where the bursting is done, the held-in pressures of desiccated sap-veins and gum-sealed buds are gone, and all the world’s in a rush to be beautiful.

— Theodore Sturgeon


I find to my mixed astonishment that I do dream, but I didn't know it.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#dream #find #i #i do #know

Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#here #made #mean #point #same

Basically, fiction is people. You can't write fiction about ideas.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#basically #fiction #ideas #people #write

I quit my job, and went ashore to become a writer.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#become #i #i quit #job #quit

For years, I thought I simply didn't dream. I felt left out. Everybody else had a thing I didn't have.

— Theodore Sturgeon

#else #everybody #everybody else #felt #had

About Theodore Sturgeon

Theodore Sturgeon Quotes

Did you know about Theodore Sturgeon?

Statistics herein refer to the original editions only. Life and family
Sturgeon was a distant relative of Ralph Waldo Emerson and through his Waldo Hamilton Dicker and Dunn ancestors a direct descendant of numerous influential Puritan Presbyterian and Anglican clergymen. Their stepfather William Dickie Sturgeon (sometimes known as Argyll) was a mathematics teacher at a prep school and then Romance Languages Professor at Drexel Institute [later Drexel Institute of Technology] in Philadelphia.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame inducted Sturgeon in 2000 its fifth class of two deceased and two living writers. Theodore Sturgeon (born Edward Hamilton Waldo; February 26 1918 – May 8 1985) was an American science fiction and horror writer and critic. His most famous novel is the science fiction More Than Human (1953).

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