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Tom Peters

Read through the most famous quotes from Tom Peters

If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

— Tom Peters

#confused #paying #you

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures.

— Tom Peters

#almost #comes #design #improvement #layout

Leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.

— Tom Peters

#followers #leaders #more

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.

— Tom Peters

#about #arranging #enhancing #management #nurturing

If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.

— Tom Peters

#appears #down #opportunity #pull #shade

Excellent firms don't believe in excellence - only in constant improvement and constant change.

— Tom Peters

#change #constant #excellence #excellent #firms

Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.

— Tom Peters

#fail #fast #test

Communication is everyone's panacea for everything.

— Tom Peters

#everyone #everything #panacea

Give a lot, expect a lot, and if you don't get it, prune.

— Tom Peters

#get #give #lot #prune #you

Celebrate what you want to see more of.

— Tom Peters

#celebrate #more #see #want #you

About Tom Peters

Did you know about Tom Peters?

In 2004 he also received an honorary doctorate from the State University of Management in Moscow. Peters currently lives in West Tinmouth Vermont with his wife Susan Sargent and continues to write and speak about personal and business empowerment and problem solving methodologies. From 1974 to 1981 Peters worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company becoming a partner and Organization Effectiveness practice leader in 1979.

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