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Right Confessions

Read the best #right confession stories

I know people that use drugs and are buying from others most likely illegally. I had a few puffs of the smoke as well.

#thankyou   #rightlyguided   #lawful   #nationastate  

Back when I was younger around 19 I was friends with this couple. They were older than me. Like 6 to 7 years older than me. And I just lived across the way so we were within walking distance of each other's houses. I can't remember how he and I first started fuckin but we fucked Everytime she was at work. Or he would walk down to my house early in the morning. We would fuck then. We would go fuck in my truck. If we said we were running somewhere. Every chance we got we were fuckin. He even picked me up off the counter and carried me into the bedroom n fucked me in their bed. It was so wrong n dirty I know.

#cheat   #wrong   #dirty   #fuckin   #sex  

I hate women. You take advantage of men. You use your bodies to get whatever you want, laugh at our pain, and then lie about a none existent rape culture to get out of responsibility for your own actions.
None of you should have any rights. You should be property again. You sit on your ass, do a quarter of the work I do, and demand equal rights? Fuck you.
Women should be bought and sold like cattle. You aren't people. People add something to the world. There's a reason men love submissive women. Submissive women know how to appreciate a man.
And if I want my woman operated on to look better than the sow she currently is, that should be my right and she should NEVER have a say in it. Bigger tits, bigger lips, rounder ass, tighter pussy, better make up, hair color of my choice, skin color of my choice.
You bitches have had your chance. You had the Western world by the balls since 2015, and you wasted it. Instead of the best and brightest of you stepping forward and doing something to create real equality, you instead asked for the eradication of the white race, and the elimination of gender norms like HE and SHE. Wow. How fucking progressive.
The Governments of the Western world should go from door to door and harvest your eggs. Start selective breeding programs to make a new generation of women who aren't completely worthless couch decorations.
You're here for my sexual gratification, giving me children, and taking care of the chores I give you, since I'm at work busting my ass so you don't have too! I use to believe we were equal. That time is LONG gone.

#women   #rights   #sexism  

I have broke other people's trust, I fully admit to this and we will happily live with banished sin and banished against our pillars, boundaries, morals, values, honors by God.

Thank you so much

#god   #love   #fulfilment   #righteousliving   #justice   #fairness   #equality   #promise   #forgiveness   #living   #jannah   #happyeverafter   #wow   #beauty   #embrace   #growth   #life   #woman   #man   #humanity   #unity   #peace   #harmony   #alligmenet   #mutuality  

I confess deep down inside I am a controlling person.

#right   #controlling   #personality  

Pray and roll the dice for #right

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