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See Confessions

Read the best #see confession stories

I'd love to run away and start a new life somewhere. Just to get some attention probably. I am starving for attention right now. I feel so bad, but no one notices. I love thinking about where I would go and what I would do and how everyone would react once they notice that I am gone.

#gone   #runaway   #lifesucks   #attention   #seeking   #confession  

I went to a BBQ turned swimming party. I didn't bring a swimsuit. It's February and know one suggested it. Well they twisted my arm and I ended up swimming in a t-shirt and underwear. It was quite revealing and I was nervous. As I started swimming and playing I became relaxed. I suddenly realized I was performing for a group of gawkers. Most were strangers to me, but as I got aroused and horny I could care less who was staring. I was feeling like a naughty, dirty, little slut. I was hot and horny. Sometimes I wonder if my beauty doesn't shy men away, but not this day. I even recorded some girls inspecting me. I was so engrossed that I totally forgot I came with my boyfriend to his parent's party. Although accidental, that was my first experience transparently exposing myself for all to see. A once in a lifetime event. Now my fantasy is to have each one of them watch me as I sit here in my favorite position, legs apart, touching, rubbing, edgeing ever so slowly to climax. Knowing they will see me cum, increases my pleasure.

#seethrough   #swim   #party   #nasty   #horny   #masturbating   #tease   #sex   #exhibitionist   #fantasy  

Okay. So me and my partner have been struggling quite a lot recently with arguing and things like that. Well we'd just had an argument and I'd stormed off and was sitting in my car thinking about how and why I'd not done so great in relationships before. So obviously, I sought feedback from my ex.

A bit of backstory, my ex broke up with me after 1.5 years of dating. It wasn't a great relationship, we argued a lot and broke up and got back together etc. Anyway. He had a gambling addiction that I found out about, he told me he'd stopped and been done with gambling for a year so I took him for a celebratory meal etc. Anyways, I find out about 6 months after it was all a lie and he'd been gambling behind my back and its why he never had money (he told me he was saving for a house). This led to me controlling his finances (he asked me to) and obviously started the strain on the relationship because of the lie and the constant lying on top of that.
He breaks up with me outside a pub at 12.30pm and never gave me an honest answer as to why things ended. So during this argument, I thought I need to know. So I reached out to him and was really nice and polite like hey hope you're well etc but why did you break up with me kind of thing...
I didn't expect a reply, but I got one. And he said that he was struggling at the time and it was intense etc but he couldn't think of a reason. Anyway, I left it a day (things have been resolved with my partner) and thought I'll just reply and say thanks, hope you're well, carry on getting help and hope the family is okay.
I send the message.
He's blocked me.
Cause he's the biggest time wasting individual who doesn't deserve a food word spoken about him who goes around, lying to everyone and everything and then running away from the situation.
I rlly want to talk to someone about it but I lied to my best mate and said I didn't text him and can't tell my partner cause it would hurt them. So here I am, silently fuming cause I didn't get the last word and wanting to just tell him once and for all to shove his over entitled head up his own arse.

#myex   #seekingclosure   #closure   #ex   #breakup   #partner   #confession  

Yesterday, someone parked in my driveway. My neighbours celebrated their marriage or something like that.
I was so pissed of that I put bird seed on the car, shortly afterwards, a dozen doves were sitting (and shitting) on the car, picking for the seed, making huge scratches in the car. It was great!

#parking   #driveway   #neighbours   #celebration   #marriage   #bird   #seed   #revenge  

I read the stories on this site and master bate reading them. I sit on my couch chair and hump it it feels so good I have never orgasmed

#help   #ogod   #what   #if   #my   #friends   #see   #this  

My girlfriend and I really enjoy having a few tokes, getting a good buzz on and then fucking like rabid animals. She loves to be dominated, tied up, held down, choked, anal, etc.... you get the idea. She wasn’t always like this, I slowly introduced her to some toys and it took off from there. Now I add a new element that I am not even sure she is aware of. Since the hot weather arrived I like to have the windows open in the evening to help cool the house (no a/c as I see no sense where I live at it gets nice and cool at night).
Now I have been leaving the blinds up with the window open and fucking her good and hard every time she stays over. I love in a neighborhood of single family houses and I am certain that several of the neighbours who have adjoining backyards can see us and definitely hear us. Last night I was “punishing” her by whipping her ass with her favourite flogger. I am certain the sound travels well over to my neighbours yards. I then will still have her bent over the edge of the bed and give her a good fucking. The reason I am certain neighbours can see us is that there have been times I look out my bedroom window and can see stuff going on in their kitchens and stuff. It’s even better when it starts getting dark and I turn on the nightstand light, that way I know people can most likely see us.
It really gets me off knowing one of my neighbours might be watching me pound my girl’s ass and pussy.
Now, the question remains, should I tell her this or should I say nothing and act normal? Something tells me that she might be on to my little game though and is enjoying it as much as I am.
I am just happy to have a little submissive slut who will do anything I want.

#neighbourscansee   #mylittlefuckslut  

Pray and roll the dice for #see

Confessions by

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