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De Confessions

Read the best #de confession stories

I stayed at a female friends place one night. The room she gave me was empty except for an air mattress and for some reason, a pair of her panties. She knows I wear panties and am submissive so I asked if she would like me to make a video of myself jerking off in her panties. She said yes, do it. Now she says I have to give her the video but when I do she is going to show it to everyone. She said to make copies too so she can actually give away copies of it to make it more public. I'm going to keep my promise but I'm nervous. She says she has another video of me that's going to be added to it as well. She showed me a short clip from a hidden camera she put in her bathroom. She also said I'll be making more videos, this time she wants everyone to see me in a bra and panties or wearing a skirt. We have a deal that I can't say no to anything like that.

#nude   #humiliation  

i feel so lonely, i don't have emotions, no happy, i feel empty, no one cares, and...finally there is one noticed... but i still alone

#lonely   #depressed   #alone   #emoth  

I had my first real girlfriend when I was 14. When we made out I would take all my clothes off and would stay naked as long as possible. I got turned on walking around in front of her and she liked it too, although she never once took off more than her top. We would go to her house after school because her parents both worked and I would strip for her. She invited me over one Saturday evening telling me her parents would be away. When I got there she had some friends over and I wasn't sure what was going on until she told me they knew, she had told them and now they wanted to see. The teasing was nuts and it made me horny enough to do it. I went upstairs to my girlfriends bedroom, she came with me and as nervous as I was she was equally encouraging. I still remember the feeling of walking out from the bedroom going down the hall and getting to the top of the stairs. Too nervous to be hard I started going down and could hear their excitement when they saw me. I knew which step would let them see I had no underwear on and the squealing when I landed on it was insane, I was so horny. It wasn't long before I was hard and eventually I masturbated for them. After that I regularly stripped for her friends, who by the way were my classmates too. 

#exhibitionist   #nude   #masturbate   #girlfriend  

I confess I watch cartoons all the day because I don't have something better to do. My wife and my kids left me several months ago. And today, I found a meme with my story on it. I am very depressed right now and I am waiting for my favourite cartoon show to be broadcast.

#cartoons   #tv   #wife   #kids   #depressed   #sad  

I'm 12, I like multiple girls. One is called Maddie, second is Lexi, then I really really like Cora. They're all amazing but they all don't like me. I got friend zoned by Cora but she yet flirts. I went on a date a few weeks back with a Girl who likes me but I don't like her. What do I do? I want a girlfriend(or boyfriend) but I wanna actually like them like I feel for the girls.

#love   #lgbt   #lesbian   #lonely  

When I’m at work, I secretly open my colleague’s computer and record on video with my phone her intimate chat correspondence with her friend. This includes her nude photos and videos of her masturbating and playing with sex toys. At home I watch these vids and masturbate. This has been going on for a month. Am I doing something bad and should I stop? I mean, nobody knows about it and I’m hurting no one, right?

#masturbation   #voyerism   #work   #colleagues   #nude   #photos   #video  

My Ex boyfriend wouldn't leave me alone, so I hit him with my car, by "Accident"

#die   #die   #murder  

I wasn't planned and I'm a family disappointment. I'm damn proud of it.

#pride   #family  

Sometimes when I'm bored I lick my friends ears for pleasure. I get bored and tell them its a disorder. Some are kind enough to not get weirded out by me but recently I started biting...

#guilt   #pleasure   #wtf   #licking   #ear   #disorder  

I sent boob pics to a total stranger that I met on omegle. I am constantly worried.

#omegle   #worried  

I really want an older woman like 20-35 to have sex with me because I think that having an older woman command me around and tease me is sexy. I want her to get a strap on and talk about how big her dick is and how I'm too young for her. I'm a 16 year old male and I just would love this experience please

#older   #sex   #mother   #dominace   #seduction  

My first day of kindergarten, my teacher Mr.Joel says "Alright we are going on a field trip to the national park ,so I need a girls to board the bus first then boys!"
I wasn't paying attention and I got on the bus first. Mr Joel approached me and sarcastically ask."Excuse me Gregory, are you a girl or boy? "I don't know I said". That moment , that question confused the fuck out of me for the rest of my life. I mean i have a penis but I don't like to look at it because it looks icky. My mom was shitting on the toilet and I was standing in the doorway naked when I was 3 years old telling her I pooped my diaper and all she said was ah fuck not again just like fucking father and she slammed the door and my penis got caught in between it. I screamed and my neighbors took me to the hospital because my mother refused to drive drunk and high. The doctors put ice on it and sent me home. But by the time we got home my mom was asleep so my neighbors made me sleep when there son picaru was two years older the me. I didn't sleep Much that night cause picaru kept sticking Lego's and a hot wheels cars up my butthole and he would tie string around my injured penis and attach to a fishing rod and he would yank hard and reel it up until the line broke. Everytime I screamed he told his parents I was having bad dreams so his dad took off my clothes and laid me on his lap in the living room while we both watched the entire Andy Griffith show season one all night. He didn't molest me or assault me but he did kiss me on the lips a lot and call me 'judy Ann' and 'honey' a lot. Judy Ann was his dead wife's name.fucked up part is the when he drove me to the hospital he hit my dog spider and he promised he would check on him once we got back. I never saw spider again :(.

#death   #assault   #abandoned   #injury   #abuse   #drugs   #trauma   #transgender  

My name is Jenna, I'm 13. I'm in grade 8 now, this started in grade 6. My parents told me they were splitting up (they're together now) but that took a huge toll on me. I cut my wrist for the 1st time and only did it a few more times in grade 6 after that. Once my parents got back together I was so happy and grade 7 I didn't self harm, but that's when I started starving myself because the boys in my class would call me fat a lot. Now I'm in grade 8 and I didn't think it was possible but I'm way worse then I ever have been. My parents know about my depression, cutting and eating issue and a few of my friends do too. They say they're there for me but they never check up on me or let me open up to them. This year I haven't been eating much, I've lost 30 pounds and I'm still losing more. My best friend of 4 years left me and hates me now. My boyfriend cheated on me twice with my ex best friend. I was diagnosed with depression this year and I cut almost everyday and I've attempted suicide but failed unfortunately. I'm so unhappy and depressed and no one knows how I feel. I wish someone would reach out and help because I'm so done with life. I'm on the edge ready to end it and no one can stop me..

#depression   #selfharm   #confession  

I'm in love with my dentist. He's about 50.. I'm a 19 years old boy.
The last months, I saw him over 8 times. Always said that I have terrible tooth pain and stuff.

#love   #dentist   #secret  

Its been about 3 years since I admitted to my self that I was depressed. I have always been the one to do stupid things but after those things happen, feelings start to seep in the voices start to get to my head, you are a stupid girl, a brat not worth anything, why don't you just leave it would save them all this trouble. You wouldn't be I missed, you are worh nothing, all you cause is heart ache...ect. These tpes of things always ran threw my mind, and soon and still I believe it. All it seems I can do well is suck money from my parents and pain for my friends and family and the people around me. It seems like no matter what I do , it wont stop. I cut sometimes when I get it deep and I also beat myself over it. I feel like no mstter what even my mom hstes me and my dad to. Sometimes I think of running away, or just kill myself, or just ask my parents to put me up for
adoption. But I am to selfish to do that. I just want to be set free and live with god and the ones that I cant hurt anymore. That would make them happy....

That was me then but now its starting to change I now understand if I do those things I would hurt them even more, I am now starting to open up even more about my feeings but I still keep some of them hidden but it is getting better I found the light at the end of the tunnel and now I am following it and chasing it it will get etter, but I still got a ways to go. No matter what just look for that light no matter how dim it is and go grab it,. It will be worth it!

#stupidity   #depression  

Im a young Boy that keeps sinning by masturbation and lustful desires. Im disgusted in myself and the thoughts been mugging me! I Want to stay pure till marriage for my bad deeds and i sometimes feel like a bad person even if people deny it!

I have confessed to my mother and sometimes the lord for my bad deeds which they say is perfectly normal (only my mom) And i try to stop masturbating for 1 week even if it still mugs me and try 1 week at the time to fully control my emotions and lustful desires!


Sometimes I wish I was dead. I live in a country where it's really hard to get a gun, so if it would be easier, I would already be dead...

#dead   #country   #gun   #easier   #death   #secret  

What do you think... is it ok to lie to a person that is dying? That is a question I get to ask myself over and over again for the last 3 years. My Dad was very sick. I do not want to say too much about it to protect my identity, but after his diagnosis, we knew that he did not have much time left. He needed a kidney transplant and he needed one fast.
My sister and I immediately went to the doctors to see if we were a match and could save his life by giving him one of our kidneys.
I remember that my sister's appointment was on a Tuesday, mine was following the next day on Wednesday.
Here comes the horrible part... I never went to my appointment. I was drinking and partying the night before and overslept. It was such a terrible, horrible and terrifying time and I used to get my mind off things by doing a lot of wrong stuff with a lot of wrong people.

I woke up in a haze on Thursday afternoon to a frantic phone call from my sister telling me that she was no match. She was crying hysterically and beyond reasoning. I still remember that moment. I could have said that I forgot my appointment and that I would make another one. But a lot of other stuff happened before (I do not want to talk about it in detail), that I was ashamed to admit it. In this moment, I was certain, if my sister was not a match, I would not be one either.

So, I lied. I said I WAS at the appointment and that I also was not able to donate.
In that moment I really believed that the universe would not be so sadistic and evil as to let my kind and good father die because of his terrible excuse of a daughter.

Well, he lived for 3 more months. They were not able to find a match or a donor in time. And I will never know if I could have saved his life.

#father   #dying   #donor   #match   #lying   #lie   #horrible   #death   #confession   #ashamed  

I want to die, at the minimum, now, at the maximum, at the age of 64, because my family always fight and make me realize that this shit-hole of an earth is eternally doomed to extinction. What's even worse is that I have Klein Levins Syndrome that pretty much means I will never be happy.

#suicide   #anger   #fighting  

I'm a 16 year old gay transman. I want to have sex badly with another guy[bottom], but I'm afraid because I'm trans, and because I'm not interested in casual sex, or a desire based on the fact that I'm trans and they've "never had sex with a transguy before."

I have the desire, I want to satisfy the desire, but I want it to be with someone who loves and accepts me for who I am. If I was gay and cis, that would be easier, but I can't make any moves because I'm afraid of being played.

#gay   #transmale   #transgender   #sex   #love  

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